The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times.
The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital...

Beyond The Clouds: The Alien Enigma Of Jesus Ascension
Unveil the mystery of Jesus Ascension in Luke’s Gospel and Acts. Explore the parallels with UFO lore and the enigmatic ‘clouds’ in biblical account. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion...

Giants: Titans of the Alps – The Stupendous Journey of Battista and Paolo Ugo
Giants: Titans of the Alps - The Stupendous Journey of Battista and Paolo Ugo Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital art: Your support helps continue...

Ancient Alien Technology: The Ancient Odyssey of High-Flying Gods
Ancient Alien Technology: The Ancient Odyssey of High-Flying Gods Explore the Odyssey's divine technology: golden sandals, soaring gods, and hints of ancient propulsion systems. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the...

Ancient Astronauts Theory: Golden Wings 1 of 2
“They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens — the LORD and the weapons of his wrath — to destroy the whole country.” — Isaiah 13:5 Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of...

Giants: Titans of the Alps – The Stupendous Journey of Battista and Paolo Ugo
Giants: Titans of the Alps - The Stupendous Journey of Battista and Paolo Ugo Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital art: Your support helps continue...

The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times.
The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital...

Beyond The Clouds: The Alien Enigma Of Jesus Ascension
Unveil the mystery of Jesus Ascension in Luke’s Gospel and Acts. Explore the parallels with UFO lore and the enigmatic ‘clouds’ in biblical account. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion...

Ancient Alien Technology: The Ancient Odyssey of High-Flying Gods
Ancient Alien Technology: The Ancient Odyssey of High-Flying Gods Explore the Odyssey's divine technology: golden sandals, soaring gods, and hints of ancient propulsion systems. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the...

Ancient Astronauts Theory: Golden Wings 1 of 2
“They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens — the LORD and the weapons of his wrath — to destroy the whole country.” — Isaiah 13:5 Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of...

Superman year 0, part 6 – Nietzsche Superman
Superman year 0, part 6 - Nietzsche Superman Übermensch's Impact and Ideological Clashes in Superman's Story "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual...

Superman year 0, part 5 – Superman Technology
Superman year 0, part 5 - Superman Technology Superman Technology - Unveil Superman's technological saga: Superman's tech insights, crystal data storage, heat vision, and Brainiac AI. "The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed." - William...

Superman year 0, part 4 – Superman and Jesus
Superman year 0, part 4 - Superman and Jesus Superman and Jesus, Uncover the divine parallels: Superman, Jesus, and their shared journey of light, salvation, and resurrection. "Even though you've been raised as a human being you are not one of them...They can...

Superman year 0, part 3 – Superman S Symbol
Superman year 0, part 3 - Superman S Symbol The S Symbol: The shade of the snake – ‘S’ and Enki Myths Intertwine, Connecting Krypton to Mesopotamian Myths; “Be wise as serpents” - Matthew 10:16 Serie: Superman Logo - The S symbol ...

Superman year 0, part 2 – Jewish Superheroes
Superman year 0, part 2 - Jewish Superheroes Jewish Superheroes - Superman's extraterrestrial origins and Jewish connections. Discover the Interstellar Secrets of Krypton, Elohim, and Judaism. “The problem of evil in the world. The problem of absolute...

Superman year 0, part 1 – Superman Story
Superman year 0, part 1 - Superman Story Explore the genesis of Superman, a beacon of hope born from the struggles of Jewish immigrants. Discover the inspiring stories behind iconic superheroes and the birth of their secret identities. “I’m here to fight for...

Lord of the Worlds — 4 of 4: Cosmic Religion
Lord of the Worlds — 4 of 4: Cosmic Religion Cosmic Religion: Qur’an’s extraterrestrial revelations reshape religion. Angels or Aliens? Explore the intriguing link between divinity and the alien reality. Series: Cosmic Religion and Alien Life ...

Lord of the Worlds — 3 of 4: Aliens In Islam
Lord of the Worlds — 3 of 4: Aliens In Islam Aliens in Islam: According to the Qur’an and Islamic scholars, Earth is not the only planet with life. Why does the Quran speak of Sirius? Is it possible to reach that solar system through the Ascending Stairways? “Life is...

Lord of the Worlds — 2 of 4: Qur’an and Science
Lord of the Worlds — 2 of 4: Qur’an and Science Quran and Science: Within the Qur’an, we find astronomical information that appears to be ‘out of place,’ meaning too advanced for that time. Could this knowledge have extraterrestrial roots? “The revelation of...

Lord of the Worlds — 1 of 4: Islam Golden Age
Lord of the Worlds — 1 of 4: Islam Golden Age Islam Golden Age: Between the 7th and 14th centuries, under the aegis of Islam and its portentous book, the Qur’an, Muslims managed to conquer a vast empire and usher in a new era of enlightenment and progress. ...

Alien Conspiracy – UFO: What are they really?
Alien Conspiracy - UFO: What are they really? Alien Conspiracy: What are UFOs really? - Secret government weapons or extraterrestrial encounters? A fascinating mystery beyond the bounds of reality. “There may be aliens in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are...

UFO Meaning: Are UFO Real?
UFO Meaning: Are UFO Real? Explore the mystery of unidentified flying Objects through three compelling theories. Extraterrestrial technology or parallel dimensions? Join us on this journey into the paranormal. “The parallel universes that make up the multiverse...

What Are Ufo? – Alien Contact: Fantasy or Reality?
What Are Ufo? - Alien Contact: Fantasy or Reality? Delve into the intriguing enigma of unidentified flying objects as we provide preliminary remarks on this phenomenon, and ponder the fundamental question: What, indeed, are UFOs in reality? “I don't want to...

Mysteries from the Sky: Ufo Cover Up – 2 of 2.
Mysteries from the Sky: Ufo Cover Up - 2 of 2. Star Wars and Mysteries in the 2023 Sky: UFO Sightings and Shocking Revelations - What Is Really Happening? “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” - George Washington...

Mysteries from the Sky: UFO Disclosure – 1 of 2
Mysteries from the Sky: UFO Disclosure - 1 of 2 The Extraterrestrial Chapter Reopens: An Investigation Into The Cyclical Nature Of The Extraterrestrial Imaginary And The Global Perspective Shift "In other words, UFOs are actually real and apparently so is...

The Ancient Gods: Physical Nature Unveiled – Biblical examples 3 of 3
The Ancient Gods: Physical Nature Unveiled – Biblical examples 3 of 3 Revealing The Enigma Of The Ancient Gods In The Bible: The Bible Speaks Of Ancient Gods In Flesh And Bone, Not Of A Universal God. “And in reality, even if there are called gods both in...

Aliens in Bible: Plurality Unveiled – Biblical examples 2 of 3
Aliens in Bible: Plurality Unveiled - Biblical examples 2 of 3 Aliens in Bible: Theologians say that Elohim means God, but a careful analysis of the biblical text reveals that this is not true. It is evident from the biblical narrative that the Elohim are many, each...

Elohim were not God: Plurality Unveiled – Biblical examples 1 of 3
Elohim were not God: Plurality Unveiled - Biblical examples 1 of 3 Ancient Gods: In-Depth Analyses Of Biblical Verses Prove That The Biblical Gods Were Many And Were Individuals In Flesh And Bone. “The‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk...

Ancient Aliens History – First Century AD.
Ancient Aliens History - First Century AD. Ancient Aliens History - Unveiling ancient sky armies: from Pliny the Elder to Tacitus, explore historical accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena. "I have declared infinite worlds to exist beside this our earth. It would...

Erich von Däniken: eXtraHuman
Erich von Däniken: eXtraHuman “We have lost the opportunity to know, and for too long we have been obliged to believe” – Erich von Daniken on Ancient Aliens Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion...

UFOs In Bible – The Flight Of the Gods
UFOs In Bible - The Flight Of the Gods UFOs in the Bible: Zoom in on "cloud"(Ānān). The Bible describes very odd "clouds", a means of transport for the Elohim, perhaps? From the analysis of the biblical verses it seems a plausible hypothesis. “And then...

Bible And Aliens – The Flight Of The Gods
Bible And Aliens - The Flight Of The Gods Bible and Aliens: Zoom in on "cloud"(Ānān) - The Bible describes very odd "clouds". By analyzing biblical verses, “clouds” appear to be unidentified flying objects (UFOs). “Behold, he is coming amid the clouds, and...

Ezekiel Vision: The Spaceships
Ezekiel Vision: The Spaceships Ezekiel Vision: They Come From The Heavens - Ezekiel's Book Reveals A Close Encounter Of The Fourth Kind In Ancient Scriptures. "They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens— the LORD and the weapons of his wrath— to...

Bible and Aliens: Ezekiel’s spaceships
Bible and Aliens: Ezekiel's spaceships The Spaceships of Ezekiel: A Careful Analysis Of The Biblical Book Of Ezekiel Indicates That The Author Did Not Describe 'Mystical Visions' But Rather A Close Encounter Of The Fourth Kind. “Two possibilities exist: either...

Life In The Universe: eXoLife on eXoplanets
Life In The Universe: eXoLife on eXoplanets Life In The Universe: Statistics, Physics And Space Exploration Point To a Crowded Galaxy. “Our galaxy has 100 billion stars and in our universe there are upwards of 100 billion galaxies so chances that life is out there...

What are Exoplanets? – eXoLife on eXoplanets
What are Exoplanets? - eXoLife on eXoplanets What Are Exoplanets?: Statistics, Physics And Space Exploration Point To A Crowded Galaxy. “Kepler isn’t simply about finding one Earth’s twin out there, elsewhere in the galaxy, it’ s actually, and even a more...

Corrado Malanga: eXtraHuman
Corrado Malanga: eXtraHuman Corrado Malanga: A Chemistry Professor With Profoundly Revolutionary Theories. “The Big bang did not originate from one single point but rather, due to the intrinsic symmetry of the universe, from two points: one created matter while...

Ariel Bar Tzadok: eXtraHuman
Ariel Bar Tzadok: eXtraHuman Unveiling the Biblical "Secrets of the Torah": Life and Mission of Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok. “Angels, demons, and now aliens; human history is full of stories of encounters with beings not of this Earth. Some believe, other...

Hyperspace – Michio Kaku And The Fifth Dimension
Hyperspace - Michio Kaku And The Fifth Dimension Fifth Dimension - Aliens Could Originate From Other Dimensions And Michio Kaku Strongly Supports The Possibility Of Additional Dimensions Of Space “One in 200 stars has habitable Earth-like planets surrounding it...

Hyperspace Theory – Michio Kaku And The 5th Dimension
Hyperspace Theory - Michio Kaku And The 5th Dimension Unveiling The Secrets Of Hyperspace: Michio Kaku Explores The Theory Of Additional Dimensions. "Some people seek meaning in life through personal gain, through personal relationship, or through personal...

Meaning of El Shaddai (אל שדי): God is not Almighty
Meaning of El Shaddai (אל שדי): God is not Almighty Lost in Translation: The True Meaning of El Shaddai and Its Implications on the Concept of God Almighty “I have undertaken to translate the Bible into German. This was good for me; otherwise I might have died...

The Three Wise Men Guided By The UFO
The Three Wise Men Guided By The UFO Contrary to the legend handed down to us over countless generations, the three wise men were guided by a UFO, rather than a star. “How does the Christian community tell the difference between that which is...

Alien Invasion: The Bible And The Partition Of Planet Earth
Alien Invasion: The Bible And The Partition Of Planet Earth Alien Invasion: In Depth Analysis Of Biblical Verses Proves That The Bible Does Not Speak About God; Instead, The Partition Of The Planet Earth Among The Ancient Gods Elohim Is Being Described. "Think...

Aliens In Bible – The Many Rulers Gods Of The Bible
Aliens In Bible - The Many Rulers Gods Of The Bible Aliens In Bible And Ancient Gods: A Short List Of The Most Important "Gods" Mentioned In The Bible. “The ten I will give you because he has forsaken me and has worshiped Astarte, goddess of the Sidonians,...

Elohim Meaning : Etymology And (Biblical) Alien Plurality
Elohim Meaning : Etymology And (Biblical) Alien Plurality In Gods We Trusted: Elohim Meaning - God Name And (Biblical) Alien Plurality. “Maybe, it’s time to abandon old prejudices, and embrace what might be, for some, unpleasant truths, and that gods, saints,...

Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) – 2 of 5 : The Bible Does Not Talk About God
Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) - 2 of 5 : The Bible Does Not Talk About God The Bible And The Historical Impossibility: Biblical Authors Didn't Write About God. “In the Old Testament there is no God, there is no worship to God, there is only fearful obedience to an...

God Name and Elohim Meaning : Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came
God Name and Elohim Meaning : Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came God Name - Elohim Meaning (אֱלֹהִים): The Ancient God or Gods Portrayed By The Major Religions' Books Were Not Spiritual Entities But Rather Alien Colonizers Coming From Another World. Those Who...

Aliens History: UFOs Before Christ
Aliens History: UFOs Before Christ Unveiling The Ancient Extraterrestrial Enigma: The Cosmic Chronicles Of Aliens History. “Nothing in the universe is unique and alone and therefore in other regions there must be other earths inhabited by different tribes of...

Exotheology – The Alien God Hypothesis
Exotheology - The Alien God Hypothesis Exotheology: Aliens Visiting Earth In A Distant Past Is Far More Likely Than A Benevolent Ethereal Entity Smiling At Us From The Sky. “Any sufficiently advanced Extraterrestrial Intelligence is indistinguishable from God"...

Who is God? – The Alien God Hypothesis
Who is God? - The Alien God Hypothesis Who Is God? Aliens Visiting Earth In A Distant Past Is Far More Likely Than A Benevolent Ethereal Entity Smiling At Us From The Sky. "Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods". - Ralph Waldo Emerson...

Cargo Cult: Cultural Clashes
Cargo Cult: Cultural Clashes Prepare for an extraordinary anthropological expedition, delving into the enigmatic realms of ancient civilizations: Explore the intriguing phenomenon of Cargo Cult and traverse through the cosmic encounters that shaped human destiny....

Zecharia Sitchin: eXtraHuman
Zecharia Sitchin: eXtraHuman Zecharia Sitchin: The Scholar Who Revealed To Us That The Origin Of Man Was Literally To Be Sought Among The Stars. “Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came". They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other...

A Crowded Multiverse 2 of 2
A Crowded Multiverse 2 of 2 Multiverse Theory - Parallel Universes: The Simplicity Of The Universe Reveals A Crowded Multiverse. “The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” - Carl Sagan Serie: Multiverse...

Multiverse. A crowded Galaxy 1 of 2
Multiverse. A crowded Galaxy 1 of 2 Multiverse Theory And Parallel Universes: A New Model Of The Universe And The Implication On The Aliens' Existence. “Theoretical physics seems to be becoming more and more like science fiction” - Steven Weinberg ...

Anti Gravity Machine – The First Anti-Gravity Spaceship
Anti Gravity Machine - The First Anti-Gravity Spaceship 'Repulsive Gravity' - The New Frontier Of Military Aviation And The Extraordinary Quest For Anti Gravity Technology. “Matter is confined energy, bound within the fields, frozen in a quantum of time.”-...

Quantum Physics – The Foundation
Quantum Physics - The Foundation Quantum Physics - Quantum Mechanics - A Mind-Bending Journey Into The Bizarre Behavior Of Our Surrounding Environment. “I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics” - Richard Feynman, physicist and...

Mauro Biglino: eXtraHuman
Mauro Biglino: eXtraHuman Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital art: Your support helps continue this journey, you Dive in! Gods Among Us: The...

Antediluvian Civilizations – The future in our past 4 of 4
Antediluvian Civilizations - The future in our past 4 of 4 Antediluvian Civilizations – An Alternative Approach to Earth’s History: Before Than Us Other Civilizations existed. “Not until we have taken a look into the future shall we be strong and bold enough...

Technology of the Gods – The future in our past 3 of 4
Technology of the Gods - The future in our past 3 of 4 Ancient (Propulsion) Technology: The Flight Of The Gods "It's a long story, maybe you don't know it. Maybe neither the people of Dhi Qar know it but the first airports that were built on planet Earth were built...

Mythology Gods – The future in our past 2 of 4
Mythology Gods - The future in our past 2 of 4 Mythology Gods: Unraveling The Ancient Enigma Of Extraterrestrial Invasion In Antiquity. "Yes, Torah, Judaism and Kabbalah do teach that we are not alone. We are not alone in our universe, nor are we alone here on...

TIC-TAC UFO – The universe beyond the horizon 5 of 5
TIC-TAC UFO - The universe beyond the horizon 5 of 5 UFO TIC TAC: Exploring The Extraterrestrial Technologies Beyond Earth's Grasp. “I can tell you, I think it was not from this world,” - Fighter pilot Commander David Fravor of the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group -...

Are Aliens Real? – The universe beyond the horizon 4 of 5
Are Aliens Real? - The universe beyond the horizon 4 of 5 Are Aliens Real? Decoding The Pentagon UFO Report - Unprecedented Revelations And The Inevitable Alien Enigma. "We take reports of incursions into our airspace – by any aircraft, identified or...

Alien Disclosure – The universe beyond the horizon 3 of 5
Alien Disclosure - The universe beyond the horizon 3 of 5 Alien Disclosure - Cover Up - The Report 116-233 And Its Profound Implications For Humanity's Perception Of Alien Reality. “No question, this is the story of the millennium. This is going to reorder our...

Uss Nimitz – The universe beyond the horizon 2 of 5
Uss Nimitz - The universe beyond the horizon 2 of 5 Unveiling The Mysterious Tic Tac UFO: The Astonishing Uss Nimitz Encounter That Shook The Skies And Redefined Our Perception Of UFO Reality. “The universe is coming upon us" - Corrado Malanga, April the 2nd...

Alien Contact – The universe beyond the horizon 1 of 5
Alien Contact - The universe beyond the horizon 1 of 5 I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. - Ronald Reagan Serie: Alien Contact - UFO Cover up ...
Giants: Titans of the Alps – The Stupendous Journey of Battista and Paolo Ugo
Giants: Titans of the Alps - The Stupendous Journey of Battista and Paolo Ugo Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital art: Your support helps continue...
The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times.
The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of UFOs and enigmatic wonders on digital...
Beyond The Clouds: The Alien Enigma Of Jesus Ascension
Unveil the mystery of Jesus Ascension in Luke’s Gospel and Acts. Explore the parallels with UFO lore and the enigmatic ‘clouds’ in biblical account. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion...
Ancient Alien Technology: The Ancient Odyssey of High-Flying Gods
Ancient Alien Technology: The Ancient Odyssey of High-Flying Gods Explore the Odyssey's divine technology: golden sandals, soaring gods, and hints of ancient propulsion systems. Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the...
Ancient Astronauts Theory: Golden Wings 1 of 2
“They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens — the LORD and the weapons of his wrath — to destroy the whole country.” — Isaiah 13:5 Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion of...
Superman year 0, part 6 – Nietzsche Superman
Superman year 0, part 6 - Nietzsche Superman Übermensch's Impact and Ideological Clashes in Superman's Story "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual...
Superman year 0, part 5 – Superman Technology
Superman year 0, part 5 - Superman Technology Superman Technology - Unveil Superman's technological saga: Superman's tech insights, crystal data storage, heat vision, and Brainiac AI. "The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed." - William...
Superman year 0, part 4 – Superman and Jesus
Superman year 0, part 4 - Superman and Jesus Superman and Jesus, Uncover the divine parallels: Superman, Jesus, and their shared journey of light, salvation, and resurrection. "Even though you've been raised as a human being you are not one of them...They can...
Superman year 0, part 3 – Superman S Symbol
Superman year 0, part 3 - Superman S Symbol The S Symbol: The shade of the snake – ‘S’ and Enki Myths Intertwine, Connecting Krypton to Mesopotamian Myths; “Be wise as serpents” - Matthew 10:16 Serie: Superman Logo - The S symbol ...
Superman year 0, part 2 – Jewish Superheroes
Superman year 0, part 2 - Jewish Superheroes Jewish Superheroes - Superman's extraterrestrial origins and Jewish connections. Discover the Interstellar Secrets of Krypton, Elohim, and Judaism. “The problem of evil in the world. The problem of absolute...
Superman year 0, part 1 – Superman Story
Superman year 0, part 1 - Superman Story Explore the genesis of Superman, a beacon of hope born from the struggles of Jewish immigrants. Discover the inspiring stories behind iconic superheroes and the birth of their secret identities. “I’m here to fight for...
Lord of the Worlds — 4 of 4: Cosmic Religion
Lord of the Worlds — 4 of 4: Cosmic Religion Cosmic Religion: Qur’an’s extraterrestrial revelations reshape religion. Angels or Aliens? Explore the intriguing link between divinity and the alien reality. Series: Cosmic Religion and Alien Life ...
Lord of the Worlds — 3 of 4: Aliens In Islam
Lord of the Worlds — 3 of 4: Aliens In Islam Aliens in Islam: According to the Qur’an and Islamic scholars, Earth is not the only planet with life. Why does the Quran speak of Sirius? Is it possible to reach that solar system through the Ascending Stairways? “Life is...
Lord of the Worlds — 2 of 4: Qur’an and Science
Lord of the Worlds — 2 of 4: Qur’an and Science Quran and Science: Within the Qur’an, we find astronomical information that appears to be ‘out of place,’ meaning too advanced for that time. Could this knowledge have extraterrestrial roots? “The revelation of...
Lord of the Worlds — 1 of 4: Islam Golden Age
Lord of the Worlds — 1 of 4: Islam Golden Age Islam Golden Age: Between the 7th and 14th centuries, under the aegis of Islam and its portentous book, the Qur’an, Muslims managed to conquer a vast empire and usher in a new era of enlightenment and progress. ...
Alien Conspiracy – UFO: What are they really?
Alien Conspiracy - UFO: What are they really? Alien Conspiracy: What are UFOs really? - Secret government weapons or extraterrestrial encounters? A fascinating mystery beyond the bounds of reality. “There may be aliens in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are...
UFO Meaning: Are UFO Real?
UFO Meaning: Are UFO Real? Explore the mystery of unidentified flying Objects through three compelling theories. Extraterrestrial technology or parallel dimensions? Join us on this journey into the paranormal. “The parallel universes that make up the multiverse...
What Are Ufo? – Alien Contact: Fantasy or Reality?
What Are Ufo? - Alien Contact: Fantasy or Reality? Delve into the intriguing enigma of unidentified flying objects as we provide preliminary remarks on this phenomenon, and ponder the fundamental question: What, indeed, are UFOs in reality? “I don't want to...
Mysteries from the Sky: Ufo Cover Up – 2 of 2.
Mysteries from the Sky: Ufo Cover Up - 2 of 2. Star Wars and Mysteries in the 2023 Sky: UFO Sightings and Shocking Revelations - What Is Really Happening? “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” - George Washington...
Mysteries from the Sky: UFO Disclosure – 1 of 2
Mysteries from the Sky: UFO Disclosure - 1 of 2 The Extraterrestrial Chapter Reopens: An Investigation Into The Cyclical Nature Of The Extraterrestrial Imaginary And The Global Perspective Shift "In other words, UFOs are actually real and apparently so is...
The Ancient Gods: Physical Nature Unveiled – Biblical examples 3 of 3
The Ancient Gods: Physical Nature Unveiled – Biblical examples 3 of 3 Revealing The Enigma Of The Ancient Gods In The Bible: The Bible Speaks Of Ancient Gods In Flesh And Bone, Not Of A Universal God. “And in reality, even if there are called gods both in...
Aliens in Bible: Plurality Unveiled – Biblical examples 2 of 3
Aliens in Bible: Plurality Unveiled - Biblical examples 2 of 3 Aliens in Bible: Theologians say that Elohim means God, but a careful analysis of the biblical text reveals that this is not true. It is evident from the biblical narrative that the Elohim are many, each...
Elohim were not God: Plurality Unveiled – Biblical examples 1 of 3
Elohim were not God: Plurality Unveiled - Biblical examples 1 of 3 Ancient Gods: In-Depth Analyses Of Biblical Verses Prove That The Biblical Gods Were Many And Were Individuals In Flesh And Bone. “The‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk...
Ancient Aliens History – First Century AD.
Ancient Aliens History - First Century AD. Ancient Aliens History - Unveiling ancient sky armies: from Pliny the Elder to Tacitus, explore historical accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena. "I have declared infinite worlds to exist beside this our earth. It would...
Erich von Däniken: eXtraHuman
Erich von Däniken: eXtraHuman “We have lost the opportunity to know, and for too long we have been obliged to believe” – Erich von Daniken on Ancient Aliens Check out eXtraHumans on RedBubble! Where you can make a visual journey into the extraordinary with our fusion...
UFOs In Bible – The Flight Of the Gods
UFOs In Bible - The Flight Of the Gods UFOs in the Bible: Zoom in on "cloud"(Ānān). The Bible describes very odd "clouds", a means of transport for the Elohim, perhaps? From the analysis of the biblical verses it seems a plausible hypothesis. “And then...
Bible And Aliens – The Flight Of The Gods
Bible And Aliens - The Flight Of The Gods Bible and Aliens: Zoom in on "cloud"(Ānān) - The Bible describes very odd "clouds". By analyzing biblical verses, “clouds” appear to be unidentified flying objects (UFOs). “Behold, he is coming amid the clouds, and...
Ezekiel Vision: The Spaceships
Ezekiel Vision: The Spaceships Ezekiel Vision: They Come From The Heavens - Ezekiel's Book Reveals A Close Encounter Of The Fourth Kind In Ancient Scriptures. "They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens— the LORD and the weapons of his wrath— to...
Bible and Aliens: Ezekiel’s spaceships
Bible and Aliens: Ezekiel's spaceships The Spaceships of Ezekiel: A Careful Analysis Of The Biblical Book Of Ezekiel Indicates That The Author Did Not Describe 'Mystical Visions' But Rather A Close Encounter Of The Fourth Kind. “Two possibilities exist: either...
Life In The Universe: eXoLife on eXoplanets
Life In The Universe: eXoLife on eXoplanets Life In The Universe: Statistics, Physics And Space Exploration Point To a Crowded Galaxy. “Our galaxy has 100 billion stars and in our universe there are upwards of 100 billion galaxies so chances that life is out there...
What are Exoplanets? – eXoLife on eXoplanets
What are Exoplanets? - eXoLife on eXoplanets What Are Exoplanets?: Statistics, Physics And Space Exploration Point To A Crowded Galaxy. “Kepler isn’t simply about finding one Earth’s twin out there, elsewhere in the galaxy, it’ s actually, and even a more...
Corrado Malanga: eXtraHuman
Corrado Malanga: eXtraHuman Corrado Malanga: A Chemistry Professor With Profoundly Revolutionary Theories. “The Big bang did not originate from one single point but rather, due to the intrinsic symmetry of the universe, from two points: one created matter while...
Ariel Bar Tzadok: eXtraHuman
Ariel Bar Tzadok: eXtraHuman Unveiling the Biblical "Secrets of the Torah": Life and Mission of Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok. “Angels, demons, and now aliens; human history is full of stories of encounters with beings not of this Earth. Some believe, other...
Hyperspace – Michio Kaku And The Fifth Dimension
Hyperspace - Michio Kaku And The Fifth Dimension Fifth Dimension - Aliens Could Originate From Other Dimensions And Michio Kaku Strongly Supports The Possibility Of Additional Dimensions Of Space “One in 200 stars has habitable Earth-like planets surrounding it...
Hyperspace Theory – Michio Kaku And The 5th Dimension
Hyperspace Theory - Michio Kaku And The 5th Dimension Unveiling The Secrets Of Hyperspace: Michio Kaku Explores The Theory Of Additional Dimensions. "Some people seek meaning in life through personal gain, through personal relationship, or through personal...
Meaning of El Shaddai (אל שדי): God is not Almighty
Meaning of El Shaddai (אל שדי): God is not Almighty Lost in Translation: The True Meaning of El Shaddai and Its Implications on the Concept of God Almighty “I have undertaken to translate the Bible into German. This was good for me; otherwise I might have died...
The Three Wise Men Guided By The UFO
The Three Wise Men Guided By The UFO Contrary to the legend handed down to us over countless generations, the three wise men were guided by a UFO, rather than a star. “How does the Christian community tell the difference between that which is...
Alien Invasion: The Bible And The Partition Of Planet Earth
Alien Invasion: The Bible And The Partition Of Planet Earth Alien Invasion: In Depth Analysis Of Biblical Verses Proves That The Bible Does Not Speak About God; Instead, The Partition Of The Planet Earth Among The Ancient Gods Elohim Is Being Described. "Think...
Aliens In Bible – The Many Rulers Gods Of The Bible
Aliens In Bible - The Many Rulers Gods Of The Bible Aliens In Bible And Ancient Gods: A Short List Of The Most Important "Gods" Mentioned In The Bible. “The ten I will give you because he has forsaken me and has worshiped Astarte, goddess of the Sidonians,...
Elohim Meaning : Etymology And (Biblical) Alien Plurality
Elohim Meaning : Etymology And (Biblical) Alien Plurality In Gods We Trusted: Elohim Meaning - God Name And (Biblical) Alien Plurality. “Maybe, it’s time to abandon old prejudices, and embrace what might be, for some, unpleasant truths, and that gods, saints,...
Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) – 2 of 5 : The Bible Does Not Talk About God
Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) - 2 of 5 : The Bible Does Not Talk About God The Bible And The Historical Impossibility: Biblical Authors Didn't Write About God. “In the Old Testament there is no God, there is no worship to God, there is only fearful obedience to an...
God Name and Elohim Meaning : Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came
God Name and Elohim Meaning : Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came God Name - Elohim Meaning (אֱלֹהִים): The Ancient God or Gods Portrayed By The Major Religions' Books Were Not Spiritual Entities But Rather Alien Colonizers Coming From Another World. Those Who...
Aliens History: UFOs Before Christ
Aliens History: UFOs Before Christ Unveiling The Ancient Extraterrestrial Enigma: The Cosmic Chronicles Of Aliens History. “Nothing in the universe is unique and alone and therefore in other regions there must be other earths inhabited by different tribes of...
Exotheology – The Alien God Hypothesis
Exotheology - The Alien God Hypothesis Exotheology: Aliens Visiting Earth In A Distant Past Is Far More Likely Than A Benevolent Ethereal Entity Smiling At Us From The Sky. “Any sufficiently advanced Extraterrestrial Intelligence is indistinguishable from God"...
Who is God? – The Alien God Hypothesis
Who is God? - The Alien God Hypothesis Who Is God? Aliens Visiting Earth In A Distant Past Is Far More Likely Than A Benevolent Ethereal Entity Smiling At Us From The Sky. "Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods". - Ralph Waldo Emerson...
Cargo Cult: Cultural Clashes
Cargo Cult: Cultural Clashes Prepare for an extraordinary anthropological expedition, delving into the enigmatic realms of ancient civilizations: Explore the intriguing phenomenon of Cargo Cult and traverse through the cosmic encounters that shaped human destiny....
Zecharia Sitchin: eXtraHuman
Zecharia Sitchin: eXtraHuman Zecharia Sitchin: The Scholar Who Revealed To Us That The Origin Of Man Was Literally To Be Sought Among The Stars. “Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came". They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other...
A Crowded Multiverse 2 of 2
A Crowded Multiverse 2 of 2 Multiverse Theory - Parallel Universes: The Simplicity Of The Universe Reveals A Crowded Multiverse. “The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” - Carl Sagan Serie: Multiverse...
Multiverse. A crowded Galaxy 1 of 2
Multiverse. A crowded Galaxy 1 of 2 Multiverse Theory And Parallel Universes: A New Model Of The Universe And The Implication On The Aliens' Existence. “Theoretical physics seems to be becoming more and more like science fiction” - Steven Weinberg ...
Anti Gravity Machine – The First Anti-Gravity Spaceship
Anti Gravity Machine - The First Anti-Gravity Spaceship 'Repulsive Gravity' - The New Frontier Of Military Aviation And The Extraordinary Quest For Anti Gravity Technology. “Matter is confined energy, bound within the fields, frozen in a quantum of time.”-...