The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times.

The Shocking Prophecy Of The Red Heifer: The Third Temple, The Return of the Messiah, and the End of Times.

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Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times



Before sharing the transcript of this video, I would like to thank Eugenio Miccoli and the YouTube channel MePiù for creating such a meaningful piece of content. Given the relevance and the utmost importance of the issues addressed in there, I felt the need to translate it from Italian and share it with you here on this blog.

It is essential to support channels like this, which, with expertise and courage, tackle such significant topics. People like Eugenio Miccoli are the true heroes of our time, and their work deserves to be known and shared. If you appreciate the content ( and speak some italian), I encourage you to follow the channel and share their videos.


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


Translation and Transcript


The Red Heifer and the End of Times.

What if I told you that the world is about to be destroyed, and it’s all because of a red heifer?

On January 14, Abu Ubaida, spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, made a statement reiterating the reasons for the October 7 attack on Israel. During his speech, he also mentioned the arrival of the “Red Heifers” in Israel, describing this event as an unacceptable provocation.


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

Abu Abaida, spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

Why mention such an event? The problem is that the red heifer plays a central role in the fulfillment of a prophecy of epic proportions. It is not just an ordinary cow; rather, it represents an important step toward what many around the world interpret as the end of times—an event that could lead to the Battle of Armageddon and the end of the world as we know it today.

In this article, we will analyze the numerous pieces of evidence that suggest a clear intent to fulfill the “Red Heifer Prophecy,” which involves the destruction of the Al-Aqsa complex in Jerusalem—Islam’s third holiest site—the construction of the Third Temple of Israel, the return of the Messiah, and the End of Times.

You will notice that, although these topics are often treated with indifference or dismissed as mere fantasies or folklore, they actually take on very concrete and worrying dimensions. This is particularly true given the presence of various groups that, as we will see, are acting in a concrete and determined manner to ‘accelerate’ the fulfillment of this prophecy and bring about the Battle of Armageddon.

What may seem to us as a collection of superstitious ideas, with no relevance outside that context—specifically, the religious eschatological interpretations of sacred texts—could, in reality, be connected to very concrete dynamics, capable of triggering a real process. This process, starting from the destruction of the Al-Aqsa complex, could evolve into a massive clash of civilizations, which would ultimately bring about the end of the world as we know it today.

Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Temple of Destiny: Conflicts and Hopes under the Jerusalem Sky.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is much more than a simple territorial issue; its roots lie in complex geopolitical and colonial dynamics. However, the religious aspect cannot be ignored; in fact, it is central to understanding the dispute.

Jerusalem, considered sacred by the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—represents a spiritual symbol of enormous significance and the overlap between political interests and religious meanings makes this conflict particularly complex and difficult to resolve.

At the heart of Jerusalem lies a very important site: the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex. At the center of the complex is the Dome of the Rock. For Muslims, and for all of Islam, the Al-Aqsa complex is the third holiest site in the world, but (attention!) Jews believe that this is the site of the Temple Mount, where their First and Second Temples once stood.


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

One Night In Al-Aqsa | Miracle Behind


The First Temple was built by the prophet-king Solomon and was destroyed by the Babylonians when Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem. The Second Temple, on the other hand, was rebuilt by King Herod and was again destroyed by the Romans when they conquered Jerusalem in the first century.

The Temple of Jerusalem is central to the Jewish faith, especially considering that it is the focal point of one-third of the commandments contained in the Torah. Therefore, the theological debate on how and when it will be rebuilt is still very much alive, even though the Jewish world remains fragmented on the matter. The reconstruction project appears to be mainly an aspiration not shared by all, but primarily by significant portions of national religious Zionism.

According to Zionists, the reconstruction of the Temple and the arrival of the Messiah are events that will certainly take place and will allow the Jewish faith to reclaim its rightful place. Indeed, the Jewish people not only aim to rebuild their kingdom but also to restore their relationship with God.

It is believed that God abandoned the First Temple long before it was conquered and destroyed; therefore, the direct relationship between the deity and the chosen people was interrupted at a certain point and it cannot be healed or restored until the Temple is rebuilt once more.


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Second Temple was built by King Herod and was destroyed again by the Romans when they conquered Jerusalem in the first century


Although Israel has controlled Jerusalem for over 60 years, it has so far remained silent regarding any intention to rebuild the Temple, since any statement in that sense would be seen as a highly dangerous provocation, capable of triggering a war with the entire Muslim world.

Thus, there has been a lack of concrete will to rebuild the Temple until 1967, when Israel managed to take Jerusalem from the Arabs. Many considered this an event ordained by God and a necessary step toward the reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.

However, a huge problem remains: Jews believe that to fulfill the divine will, the Temple must be rebuilt exactly on its original site, which is on the Temple Mount. This naturally implies the complete destruction of the Al-Aqsa complex, which is sacred to Islam.

Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Unexpected Alliance: The Strategy for the Return of the Messiah.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, various groups are working toward the destruction of the Al-Aqsa site and the reconstruction of the Temple.

This organization has devoted years to studying, researching, and engaging in activism, as well as practical preparations. They have raised funds and woven international relations at all levels to support the Temple’s reconstruction efforts. Among its collaborations, notable ones include those with Evangelical Christians, who also see the rebuilding of the Temple as a necessary prelude to the return of Christ and the Day of Judgment.

The alliance between Jews and Evangelical Christians is, in fact, a convenient one; Jews believe that when the Messiah returns, all “gentiles”—that is, non-Jews—will serve the Jews, while evangelical Christians believe that when Christ returns, he will either convert or kill the Jews.

In any case, for both, the reconstruction of the Temple is necessary for the Messiah to return.

This obviously puts them in open conflict with the Muslim world and primarily with the Palestinian people, as it is that very people who are historically considered the defenders and custodians of the Al-Aqsa complex.


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

The Al-Aqsa Mosque complex


In recent years, the pressures for the reconstruction of the Temple have become increasingly intense. A few years ago, only mentioning this possibility would have been considered fanaticism, whereas today it is no longer a niche idea to the point that there is even a faction in the Knesset, Israel’s unicameral parliament, that claims the Jewish right to pray on the Temple Mount, which is precisely where the Al-Aqsa complex stands.

Speaking of this, it seems that something has changed very recently: the Israeli police are reportedly no longer stopping and arresting the dozens of Jews who, in observance of the commandment of prostration, bow on the Temple Mount.

This expression of devotion performed on the Temple Mount by Jews has played a central role in the most significant moments of Israel’s history and continues to be a powerful symbol today, signifying “let us pray there because there is the Temple Mount, and our new temple will rise there.” This new policy of tolerance—whether or not it will be permanent is still unknown—marks, in the collective imagination, a further step toward the reconstruction of the Jerusalem Temple and consequently the destruction of the Al-Aqsa complex.

Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Awakening of the Red Heifer: The Fate Written in Blood.


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

Phillip Medhurst Picture Torah 556. The sacrifice of the red heifer.


According to Jewish theology, the Temple cannot be rebuilt until the priests and Jews are purified through the sacrifice of a red heifer.

According to rabbinic tradition, nine red heifers have been sacrificed since the time of Moses, and none has been sacrificed since the destruction of the Second Temple. Rabbi Maimonides (1135-1204) and other authoritative scholars taught that when the tenth sacrifice would eventually occur, the ashes of the heifer would be prepared by the Messiah himself.

The prophets of the Old Testament announced that the coming of the Messiah would take place upon the fulfillment of three prophecies: the rebirth of Israel, the return of Jerusalem under Jewish control, and the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The first prophecy was fulfilled in 1948, with the founding of the State of Israel, and the second in 1967, when Jerusalem returned under Jewish control.

Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


Only the fulfillment of the third prophecy remains, which is the reconstruction of the Temple, for which the purification of the priests for their service in the Temple through the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer is necessary.

Until recently, the dispute over the sacrifice of the red heifer was purely theoretical, as it has been nearly impossible to find a suitable animal. This is because it is not just about a nulliparous cow over three years old that has never worn a yoke, as described in the Old Testament, but also an animal that has never been ridden, on which no one has ever leaned, that has never been covered by a garment, and that does not have even a single hair of a color other than red, in addition to having to meet many other prescriptions.

It has been precisely because of the color that several cows, initially deemed suitable, have been discarded in the past.

Until when, in 2022, it became known that five apparently perfect specimens were raised on a ranch in Texas.


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

The five red heifers transferred to Israel


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Temple Institute hurried to spend $500,000 to immediately transfer them to a secret farm in Israel, where they can be protected and cared for. According to Jewish theology, in order to perform the sacrifice and purify the priests for their service in the Temple, the heifers must reach the age of three.

We are almost there. By the time you are reading this article, they will likely have already turned three.

When the cows arrived in Israel, the country’s main English-language newspaper, which is not at all inclined to conspiracy theories, The Jerusalem Post, reported that “the ashes of a red heifer are a necessary condition for the reconstruction of the Temple,” and that the cows would be cared for “until they are slaughtered and turned to ash, which is possible when they reach three years of age.”


Reading Suggestion: – The Jerusalem Post. From Texas to Israel: Red heifers needed for Temple arrive.


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

The red heifers in a secret location, in Israel


Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The cows arrived in Israel when they were still less than a year old. Therefore, the required age will be reached by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025, and since there are five of them simultaneously, it is hard to think that, at this point, they will all be disqualified. So, the wait will not be long.

We do not know what cataclysms to expect if the sacrifice takes place. But even without mystical arguments, it is clear that this act, the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer, would constitute an official and non-negotiable demand for the construction of the Jewish Temple on the site of the Muslim sanctuaries, which would thus generously add fuel to the fire of an already intense and explosive conflict.


The Return of the Temple: The Deception Beneath Al-Aqsa and the Fate of the World.

After 2000 years, the Jews see the reconstruction of the Temple as something remarkable, a great hope. Therefore, to prepare for this event, the Temple Institute and many other groups have made all sorts of preparations.

The sacrifice must be performed by priests who are not only well-trained in this matter but also have a direct lineage from the prophet Aaron. The most suitable location for the ritual, which must take place east of the Temple Mount, around the Mount of Olives, has already been identified, and purchased.

Serie: The Red Heifer and The End Of Times


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

The most suitable location for the ritual, which must take place east of the Temple Mount, around the Mount of Olives, has already been identified, and purchased.


The Temple Institute takes this preparation very seriously.

For example, knowing that the stones used for the reconstruction of the Temple cannot be cut with metal tools, it has already prepared diamond-cutting tools. Additionally, it has prepared ornaments to be placed inside, such as vessels, wooden ritual structures, the menorah, the table, and the altar.

After the sacrifice, the ashes of the animal will be mixed with water, and the mixture will be used to purify the priests and the Jews of Israel, who will then be able to reconstruct the Temple with all the ornaments and building materials already prepared and available.

After the sacrifice, the ashes of the animal will be mixed with water, and the mixture will be used to purify the priests and the Jews of Israel, who will then be able to reconstruct the Temple with all the ornaments and building materials already prepared and available.


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

The preparations made by the Temple Institute take every detail into consideration. In the photo, the reproduction of the Ephod worn by the priest is shown.


These are just some of the preparations for what may seem to our eyes like a superstitious ritual with no significance outside that world, but which could actually represent the trigger for a very real process that would facilitate the destruction of the Al-Aqsa complex, unleashing a huge clash of civilizations.


The Deception Beneath Al-Aqsa and the Fate of the World.

Another significant element is the excavation data. That’s right—excavations conducted beneath the Al-Aqsa complex for seemingly archaeological purposes, as the Israelis claim, and to which the Palestinians have never been able to participate, despite repeatedly requesting this trough official channels.

Many believe that the excavations are actually an attempt to undermine the foundations of the mosque and cause its collapse.

Indeed, numerous cracks have been observed in the walls and ceiling of the mosque. Any requests to restore them have been ignored or rejected by the Israeli government, while the excavations directly beneath the complex reached unprecedented depths and extent in 2023.


Hamas has issued an urgent alert to save Al Aqsa from Israeli excavations


Building the third temple is not, however, solely the interest of Israeli NGOs, such as the Temple Institute. In fact, a significant movement has grown around this perspective, which is becoming extremely pervasive within Israeli society and beyond, to the point that IDF soldiers announce the arrival of the temple and the destruction of the mosque through flags and graffiti on the now-destroyed houses in the Gaza Strip.

As we mentioned at the beginning, it is important to clarify that the Jewish world is fragmented internally and that there is a substantial portion of the Jewish community abroad that is firmly opposed to the Zionist project of the State of Israel. These differing visions have also recently produced many internal clashes.


The Red Heifer and The End Of Times

IDF Soldiers


In conclusion: the ongoing conflict cannot be reduced to a clash between a rebel group and an occupation force. Based on the discussion thus far, the issue increasingly resembles a colonial war driven by a fanatical religious elite with an integralist eschatological vision, and this conflict is on the verge of reaching unprecedented proportions.

The Palestinians have sensed this provocation—the arrival of the red heifers in Israel—so strongly that they cited it as a motive for October 7, which was not just a desperate cry to the world to pay attention to the conditions of the Palestinian people, but also, and above all, a warning to the Muslim world to realize that one of its holiest sites is currently threatened with destruction.

Now, perhaps we should begin to consider that all this is not so absurd and that it may indeed concern us, even though it is not happening right next to us.

Let’s try to imagine what the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque would provoke in a world that is currently deeply destabilized. Such an event would have the potential to trigger not only a broader regional war than the one already taking place in the Middle East, but could also cause, at best, an irreparable energetic and economic crisis and, at worst, an unprecedented expansion of the conflict on a global scale.

The sacrifice of the tenth red heifer and its implications in the current geopolitical and religious context should not be underestimated.
What may seem to us like mere superstition or a distant prophecy could, in fact, prove to be very real, influencing global events and potentially triggering ferocius conflicts of vast proportions.

The connection between religious rituals, historical symbols, and contemporary tensions suggests that the fate of the world  may be more closely tied to ancient sacred texts than one might expect.



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