God Name – Elohim Meaning (אֱלֹהִים): The Ancient God or Gods Portrayed By The Major Religions’ Books Were Not Spiritual Entities But Rather Alien Colonizers Coming From Another World.
Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came. They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony. – Zecharia Sitchin
Series: God Name – Elohim Meaning
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Content in a Flash – God Name:
1. God Name – Elohim Meaning (אֱלֹהִים): Betrayed Translations – The Bible holds the secrets to our true past and to the real identity of Elohim;
2. Elohim Meaning and Identity – We present the concept that the God or Gods portrayed by the major religions were and are not spiritual entities but rather alien colonizers;
3. Elohim: Singular or Plural? The Debate – Understanding whether the Hebrew noun ‘Elohim’ is singular or plural is crucial in determining whether the content of the Bible revolves around God or aliens;
1. God Name – Elohim Meaning (אֱלֹהִים): Betrayed Translations.
Strange as it may seem, the sacred book upon which the largest world religion is based, that is Christianity, is not a standalone book that remained untouched over the millennia, as it is generally believed.
Quite the contrary, the Bible has had countless revisions and translations over the ages, each of which was politically oriented towards one or the other theological theory, one or the other school of thought or simply towards the will of those who held the power to maintain and expand it.
What is the starting point of this long saga?
The original (and oldest) Biblical chronicles weremainly written in ancient Hebrew.One would expect the Bible we read today to be a fairly literal, faithful and honest translation of the original Hebrew scrolls but this is not the case.
The Bible we read today in fact do not report an accurate translation of those texts at all, but are rather a biased and arbitrary monotheistic reinterpretations of them.
Nowadays, ancient Biblical stories no longer convey their original message, but rather what the religious potentates want them to say, nothing more.
Within the ocean of purposely committed literary crimes, the main point of contention is one: the translation of the Hebrew term Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) .
The theologians’ thesis is that this term means “God”.
It may sound like a respectable position until we face the fact that … no trace of God whatsoever is present in the biblical stories.
It turns out, in fact, that the “God” of the Bible that we all know is actually … a group of “Gods”: the Elohim.
“El” or “Eloah (אלה)” is the singular form and Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) the plural form.
As already mentioned, Elohim is translated as “God” from the mainstream, but many, including us, believe that the term simply cannot mean God – we will see later why – and would refer instead to a group of “ancient astronauts” that In remote times, would have arrived on Earth, according to various sources, either creating us or finding us here, and would have ruled the planet for long, long time.
They were not Gods; they were however mistaken for Gods.
2. God Name – Elohim Meaning.
On the possible meanings of the term “Elohim”, there is no certainty except that it does not mean and it cannot mean God.
We will see why in the following chapters; for the moment let’s just say that the secular translations proposed by those authors who most strongly and consistently have supported (like us) the ancient astronauts’ theory, such as Peter Kolosimo, Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin, Mauro Biglino and many many others are: “The Extraordinary ones”, “The legislators”, “The supreme rulers”, “The powerful ones”, “The mighty ones”, “The shining ones”, or as famously Sitchin said: “Those who from heaven to earth came”.
Nobody can say for sure where they came from and why. We know that they were certainly endowed with a superior technology unreachable by humanity then as it would be now. Once they arrived, they took possession of the planet and dominated it. Sources that testify such events include the Sumerian Akkadian myths, the Old Testament , Crizia, one of Plato’s dialogues, many myths of ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, as well as all the ancient cultures from all continents of Earth, none excluded.
In each one of all those recounts it is said that advanced beings had literally taken possession of our planet and ruled it by acting as full-fledged colonizers.
The Bible openly narrates about the relations between men and the Elohim and gives of the latter a very detailed description: men who were in flesh and bones too, but who arrived from somewhere else (from other planets? other dimensions and ancient gods?)
What’s more, they were endowed with super-advanced alien technology as well as to enjoy divine-like incredibly long span life. They came, divided the human race among them and ruled, while exercising absolute power in all respects.
The human nature of the Elohim is evident in many biblical passages that describe them exactly like humans: they love, hate, fight in battles, seek revenge, get tired. They also need to eat, dress, wash, and even sleep This data can be found in any translation of the Bible currently on the market.
Identical stories about these “powerful lords descended from the stars” have been handed down to us from all ancient peoples of all continents through descriptions of beings in flesh and bones, very advanced from a technological and evolutionary point of view, but too often neither good or spiritual. Rather, they were described having far from benevolent behavior: they happened to be angry, vindictive, passionate, jealous. Everything except transcendent or benevolent divine entities: they were unscrupulous tyrants, with few exceptions confirming the rule.
3.God Name – Elohim Meaning: Singular or Plural? The Debate.
Serie: God Name – Elohim Meaning
Elohim: Almighty Entity or technologically and biologically advanced aliens?
There are multiple avenues that can help us to get to the bottom of the truth, or at least as close as we can get to it.
The one word in particular that we have already started to analyze is of pivotal importance for our quest: the term “Elohim”(אֱלֹהִים).
On one side, there are those who claim that “Elohim” still indicates a single individual or a single entity, (God) despite its form being plural due to its ending in “-him”. According to theologians in fact – who start from the erroneous assumption that the Bible speaks of God – the use of the plural form would be justified by the need to refer to something conceptually high, indefinite, magnificent, a sort of “pluralis maiestatis”.
On the other side, it is argued that “Elohim” indicates just what it means, that is a plurality of subjects namely the ancient aliens, “those who from heaven to earth came“.
Why is this important? It is important, because should the biblical word “Elohim” (besides being grammatically plural) indicate a singular entity, one subject only, then the story would be the one we already know: the Bible would be talking about the universal and single “God”, and his name would be Yahweh (יַהְוֶה). Basically, what we have always been told.
Should instead turn out that “Elohim” does not mean “God” but rather “the Gods”, “the mighty ones” or “the shining ones”, indicating therefore multiple extraterrestrial entities and individuals, then the doctrinal implications would be very serious because everything told to us about the Bible’s stories would collapse, and those stories would need to be re-translated from scratch.
Put simply, if the Old Testament portrays monotheism by equating Elohim and Yahweh with God, it leaves the fortress constructed by mainstream institutions and channels unscathed. However, if the Old Testament depicts polytheism by associating “Elohim” with multiple entities, multiple “Gods,” it causes that fortress to crumble.
…to be continued
What you can expect from the next section:
We will analyze the the context behind the creation of the Bible and will find out that authors who wrote the Bible didn’t think about God at all. We will also see how the Church has passed doubts for certainties in order to secure power and control.
“I have said,‘You are Gods; you are all sons of Elyon. But like mortals you will die, and like rulers you will fall.” – Psalm 82:6,7
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