Lord of the Worlds — 3 of 4: Aliens In Islam
Aliens in Islam: According to the Qur’an and Islamic scholars, Earth is not the only planet with life. Why does the Quran speak of Sirius? Is it possible to reach that solar system through the Ascending Stairways?
“Life is not confined to our one little Planet. It is a very old speculation to imagine some life like human life on the planet Mars…it is reasonable to suppose that Life in some form or other is scattered through some of the millions of heavenly bodies scattered through space.” — Abdullah Yusuf Ali, (عبداللہ یوسف علی ) lawyer, scholar and exegete of the Qur’an.
Series: Quran about aliens — Aliens in Islam
Content in a Flash:
1. Aliens in Islam, Lord of the Worlds — The very first surah of the Qur’an explicitly mentions multiple worlds;
2. Lord of Sirius — The God described in the Qur’an, Allāh (اَلله), is said to be coming specifically from the star system of Sirius. Would the creator of the universe have a specific home? Highly unlikely;
3. Aliens in the Quran? — According to the Qur’an and Islamic scholars, Earth is not the only planet with life;
4. Lord of the Worlds: The Ascending Stairways — Specific data provided in the Qur’an seems to refer to the duration of a wormhole travel to the creators’ home world.
1. Aliens In Islam.
The first Surah of the Quran, the sūrat l-fātiḥah reads: “Al-ḥamdu lillahi rabbi l-ʿālamīna” — “Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds”
It is at least surprising to realize how the first Surah of this major sacred book is vastly ignored despite a staggering amount of 1.8 billion Muslim believers.
It seems to take for granted that the are many worlds;
Other planets maybe?…other Earths? Why not?
Here at eXtraHumans we’ve chosen, as a methodological approach, to apply a literal reading of the Quranic text and see where it leads us, therefore we simply stick to what is written: If Muhammad wrote “worlds”, using the plural form, there has to be a reason.
The expression “Lord of the worlds” occurs dozens of times in the Qur’an, 73 to be precise, and assigning a theological or metaphorical label to it at all costs is not only an intellectually dishonest exercise in our view, but also takes us away from the textual truth.
Why using imagination when you can read?
In this respect, Dr. Shabir Ally, Imam, Exeget of the Qur’an and president of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International in Toronto explains:
“The Qur’an actually is very opened to the possibility that many earths do exist, because the first chapter of the Qur’an says “”Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds” and uses the word ālamīna (الْعَالَمِينَ ) “universes”, the plural form, so there could be many universes and many worlds…”
Is the first Surah referring to exoplanets? is it referring to other earths?
If we acknowledge that Allah is described as the Lord of the worlds, it naturally leads us to assume that these worlds refer to places where sentient life exists. Otherwise, it would raise a perplexing question: What would His lordship entail in a domain consisting solely of empty, uninhabited worlds?
Obviously, attributing lordship to Allah over barren, lifeless worlds seems contradictory to the concept of divine authority over living beings and their realms.
Which worlds did Prophet Muhammad have in mind when he wrote this surah?
2. Aliens In Islam – Lord of Sirius (وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَىٰ)
Series: Quran about aliens — Aliens in Islam
Referring to Allah, Sura 53, verse 49 says: “And that He is Who is the Lord of Sirius”.
Now, the fact that the Qur’an identifies Allah (الله ), the “lord of the worlds” with the “Lord of Sirius”, is clearly not something that can go unnoticed.
We have a precise astronomical location: Sirius. Why?
What does it mean? Does Allah (الله ) come from Sirius? Is He the Lord of Sirius only or of all the other stars as well?
The Quranic Arabic Corpus — Sura 53, verse 49
Or should we interpret those verses purely as metaphors instead? Are those poetic, mythical passages, mere fantasies, religious poems dictated to the Prophet by the archangel Gabriel?
As we mentioned before, our approach to the text is one and only: the Peshat, the literal one. Since the text is telling us that Allah is the Lord of Sirius, we put forward the hypothesis that He might indeed be the Lord of that very distant and enigmatic star, the brightest of the night sky, located at 8 light-years from Earth.
Yet, affirming that Allah is LITERALLY the lord of Sirius has, we know, heavy theological implications, given that it would assign God to a precise physical location, the Sirius star.
Would the creator of the universe have a specific home? Highly unlikely, unless — and this is our thesis — Allah, Jesus, Krishna, and the other gods mentioned in various religions were not God but rather individuals from an extraterrestrial, highly advanced civilization that has been in contact with mankind since its origins. This civilization shaped religions on this planet, thereby governing the destiny of mankind.
Furthermore, Sirius is not just any star, and Allah isn’t the only deity linked to it in antiquity. It is a star that was always particularly dear to humans and religions, with numerous ‘gods’ believed to have come from there.
3. Aliens in the Quran?
According to both Quranic and extra-Quranic literature, Earth is not a unique planet. The Quran seems to identifies other planets resembling Earth throughout the universe, even suggesting that these planets harbor land animals.
Quran 42.29: “And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and what He has spread forth in BOTH of them of living beings;
Now, the word “samāwāti, here translated “heavens” also means “sky”.One may object that the verse refers to the sky, to our atmosphere, and not to the “heavens” understood as other stars, solar systems or galaxies; therefore the creatures mentioned in surah 42;29 would be the birds and not alien creatures living in other planets.
However, that’s not exactly the case. First of all, we note that the birds are mentioned separately from creatures of the heavens in 24:41 with the word ṭayru.
![Aliens in Quran Aliens in Quran](https://extrahumans.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/aliens-lord-of-the-worlds.webp)
wal-ṭayru — corpus.quran.com
Secondly, we need to wonder what the expression ‘the heavens and the earth’ exactly meant to the prophet Muhammad.
The traditional understanding of “heavens and the earth” supported by many Islamic scholars, tends to identify this expression with the universe in its entirety.
As a comment regarding verse 42;29 Muhammad Asad, journalist, writer, political theorist and diplomat explains:
“In the Quran, the expression “the heavens and earth” invariably denotes the universe in its entirety…
So, we deduce that the Prophet is referring to the universe, not just the sky, stating that God has spread living beings throughout both the universe and on Earth.
This reading seems to be confirmed, moreover, by the surah we analyzed in the previous article, which appears to refer to the expansion of the universe, Surah 51:47, which precisely translates heavens (وَٱلسَّمَآءَ) as ‘universe’.
وَٱلسَّمَآءَ بَنَيْنَـٰهَا بِأَيْي۟دٍۢ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ
“We built the universe with ˹great˺ might, and We are certainly expanding ˹it˺.”
Addressing the expression “living beings” (dābbatin), Muhammad Asad explains:
…the word dābbatin (the living beings) (خَلْقُ ) denotes any sentient, corporeal being capable of spontaneous movement and is contrasted here with the non-corporeal, spiritual beings designated as “angels”.
In other words, the dābbatin, the living being mentioned in the surah 42;29 would be sentient biological creatures existing on other planets or worlds apart from Earth.
4.Lord Of The Worlds: The Ascending Stairways.
Series: Quran about aliens — Aliens in Islam
Series: Quran about aliens — Aliens in Islam
As we read the Qur’an further, things get more exotic and astounding.
Sura 70 verses 3 and 4 recites:
“3.From Allah, Lord of the Ascending Stairways”
“4.The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.”
![Quran about aliens and aliens in Islam Quran about aliens and aliens in Islam](https://extrahumans.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Quran-about-aliens-aliens-in-Islam.webp)
Sura 70:3,4 — corpus.quran.com
It must be admitted that “Lord of the Ascending Stairways” makes a certain impression. The recall to intergalactic travel is almost immediate, spontaneous, and we believe that any allegorical (and not literal) reading of this verse must then necessarily be reckoned with the next one, the fourth, which reads:
“The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.”
The verse puts us in front of concrete elements.
The Surah is telling us that the angels and the spirit will ascend to him, (to the “lord of the starways”), and to do so will take them 1 day “the extent of which is fifty thousand years.”
So which one is it: one day or fifty thousand years? Well … if we assume that these angels were, regardless of their nature, still subject to the laws of physics, and that this “ascension” was nothing but the passage through a wormhole, then we could conclude that the Sura might be referring to the time delay that would occur inside the wormhole itself: one day on earth = fifty thousand years inside the wormhole.
This time dilation does not say how long it takes to cross the wormhole, it just says that when passing through the wormhole time on earth flows by this ratio. The fact remains that someone came up with the idea of doing the calculations.
As we navigate the Quran’s verses we see hints at a cosmos extending far beyond our earthly boundaries, references to life beyond our planet and descriptions of phenomena akin to interstellar travel. These references, along with mentions of the ‘Lord of the Worlds’ and ‘Lord of Sirius,’ beckon us to ponder potential connections to extraterrestrial realms.
Amidst these revelations, an intriguing question persists: Could these references be more than allegory?
How might they redefine our understanding of divinity and existence?
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” — Carl Sagan
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