The universe beyond the horizon 5 of 5 – TIC-TAC UFO

UFO TIC TAC: Exploring The Extraterrestrial Technologies Beyond Earth’s Grasp.

I can tell you, I think it was not from this world,

– Fighter pilot Commander David Fravor of the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group – UFO TIC TAC

Source: – Navy Pilot Says it Was ‘Not of This World’


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Content in a flash (UFO TIC TAC):


1. Otherworldly capabilities These vessels break physics laws;

2. Otherworldly accelerations and speeds The recorded speed of such crafts exceed human endurance by nearly 300 times and exceed the speed of human technology in excess of 140 times;

3. TIC-TAC UFOFrom 28, 000 ft to sea level in less than 1 second   To us, based on our standards, this is unconceivable.

4. TIC-TAC UFO – Required energy  – According to the study, in order to produce such accelerations the vessel should have required ten times the nuclear power of the United States by our standards;


UFO TIC TAC: The Paper.

To better understand what we are talking about, it is a good idea to take a look at this study conducted by the Department of Physics, of Albany’s University (USA) published the December 16, 2019, entitled:

Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles in the 2004 Nimitz Encounter.

Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles in the 2004 Nimitz Encounter. - Department of Physics, of Albany’s University (USA)

Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles in the 2004 Nimitz Encounter. – Department of Physics, of Albany’s University (USA)


Let’s see what they have to say;


Report: Estimating Flight Characteristics of UAP in 2004 Nimitz Encounter.


1.UFO TIC TAC: Otherworldly Capabilities

These unidentified craft typically exhibit anomalous flight characteristics, such as traveling at extremely high speeds, changing direction or accelerating at extremely high rates, and hovering motionless for long periods of time. Furthermore, these craft appear to violate the laws of physics in that they do not have flight or control surfaces, any visible means of propulsion apparently violating Newton’s Third Law, and can operate in multiple media, such as space (low Earth orbit), air, and water without apparent hindrance, sonic booms, or heat dumps.”

(Report: Estimating Flight Characteristics of UAP in 2004 Nimitz Encounter – TIC-TAC UFO.)


2. UFO TIC TAC: Otherworldly Accelerations And Speeds.

As mentioned before, according to data collected by the military, “Periodically, the UAP would drop from 28,000 feet to sea level (approx. 50 feet), (or under the sea surface), in 0.78 seconds”.

The scientists thought to do the math to figure out the extent of the acceleration (G force) anything inside that object would be subjected to in those events. As we know, the g-force is the measure of acceleration: an acceleration of 1G is generally considered equal to standard gravity force.

The acceleration is the phenomenon familiar to anyone who has ever gotten into a car, experiencing it at every change in direction and speed relative to the reference point. When some of these change, lateral (side to side) and longitudinal (front to back) the G force can be felt.

Human tolerance depends on the g-force magnitude, duration, direction and the posture of the body. Recent experiments show that people without any kind of training can endure 17g forward (compared to 12g maximum of force backward) for many minutes without losing consciousness or ending up with apparent damage.

Now, this is what the study say about g-force in the case of the USS Nimitz Carrier TIC-TAC UFO encounter:

We consider the 2004 UAP encounters with the Nimitz Carrier Group off the coast of California, and estimate lower bounds on the accelerations exhibited by the craft during the observed maneuvers. Estimated accelerations range from 75 G to more than 5000 G with no observed air disturbance, no sonic booms, and no evidence of excessive heat commensurate with even the minimal estimated energies.”

An obvious description of technologies way beyond our current knowledge level as a species. Let us move on.

…These considerations suggest that these UAVs may not have been piloted, but instead may have
been remote controlled or autonomous. However, it should be noted that even equipment can only handle so much acceleration. For example, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II has maintained structural integrity up to 13.5.G.

Missiles can handle much higher accelerations. The Crotale NG VT1 missile has an airframe capable of withstanding 50 g and can maintain maneuverability up to 35 g. However, these accelerations are still only about half of lowest accelerations that we have estimated for these UAVs.

The fact that these UAVs display no flight surfaces or apparent propulsion mechanisms, and do not produce sonic booms or excessive heat that would be released given the hundreds of GigaWatts of power that we expect should be involved, strongly suggests that these anomalous craft are taking advantage of technology, engineering, or physics that we are unfamiliar with…

Exactly what we wrote above.

(Report: Estimating Flight Characteristics of UAP in 2004 Nimitz Encounter – UFO TIC TAC.)


3. UFO TIC TAC: From 28, 000 ft to sea level in less than 1 second

…the Tic-Tac UAV dropping from 28, 000 ft to sea level in 0.78 s involved at least the energy… equivalent to about 100 tons of TNT, or the yield of 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles, released in 3/4 of a second. One would have expected a catastrophic effect on the surrounding environment. This does not rule out the possibility that these UAVs have been developed by governments, organizations, or individuals on Earth, but it suggests that these UAVs and the technologies they employ may be of extraterrestrial origin…

If such a technology is not known on Earth it must be extraterrestrial indeed.

(Report: Estimating Flight Characteristics of UAP in 2004 Nimitz Encounter – TIC-TAC UFO.)


4. UFO TIC TAC: Required Energy.

The UAV would have reached a maximum speed of about 46, 000mph during the descent, or 60 times the speed of sound, at which point the required power peaked at a shocking 1100GW, which exceeds the total nuclear power production of the United States by more than a factor of ten. For comparison, the largest nuclear power plant in the United States, the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona, provides about 3.3GW of power for about four million people.



Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: ‘I think it was not from this world – ABC News



Ten times the nuclear power of the United States is required, according to this study, to get those accelerations. We are way beyond our level of comprehension and possibly imagination.

The nature, origin, and purpose of these UAVs are unknown. It is also not known if they are
piloted, controlled remotely, or autonomous. If some of these UAVs are of extraterrestrial origin, then it would be important to assess the potential threat they pose. More interestingly, these UAVs have the potential to provide new insights into aerospace engineering and other technologies.

The potential of a serious threat as well as the promise of advancements in science and engineering, along with our evolving expectations about extraterrestrial life are important reasons for scientists to seriously study and understand these objects. We carefully examine a series of encounters in 2004 by pilots and radar operators of the Nimitz carrier group, and estimate lower bounds on their accelerations. We demonstrate that the estimated accelerations are indeed extraordinary and surprising.


(Report: Estimating Flight Characteristics of UAP in 2004 Nimitz Encounter – TIC-TAC UFO.)


Threat or opportunity? Are these beings well or ill intentioned? No wonder that the United States want to understand them better: we need to know who they are, how they operate and what they can do.

The eXtraHumans claims about the past matches the new paradigm. The obvious (and dangerous) implication: if UFO/UAP exist now, have they also existed before, in the past? Logic would say yes.

Suddenly, some of the most “impossible” or “conspiracy” theories on the alien origins of man, or about ancient interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations could unexpectedly turn out to be based on solid, scientific foundations.

Fasten your seat belts, the journey is only just beginning.


Welcome to eXtraHumans, welcome to the universe beyond the horizon.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The end



Numera stellas, si potes. Count the stars if you can. Bible – Genesis, XV, 5



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