Elohim were not God: Plurality Unveiled – Biblical examples 1 of 3

Ancient Gods: In-Depth Analyses Of Biblical Verses Prove That The Biblical Gods Were Many And Were Individuals In Flesh And Bone.


The‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness;” – Psalm 82:5




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Content in a Flash:


1. Gods in Bible: Context is king – By looking into a number of passages of the Bible, several elements will help us determine whether it speaks about an almighty, universal God or of a group of ancient aliens, the Elohim. Form, actions, description and context will help us in our quest; (See Serie: Meaning of Elohim)

2.Ancient Gods and Earthly Alliances – Men, wars and ancient (alien) rulers;

3. Ancient Gods: When the gods were revealed – The first encounter between god and man is in reality an encounter between the “gods” (the ancient aliens called Elohim) and a man;

4. Gods in Bible: Divine Assemblies – We ask ourselves a simple question: can a meeting be held by one entity only?



1. Gods in Bible: Context is king.

In our previous article where we introduced the existence of the Elohim, ‘those who from heaven to Earth came’, and we have mentioned how the Bible is one major source of information related to them. We also explained that monotheistic theologians hold the idea that Elohim means God.


In this article, after briefly describing the biblical narrative context, we will examine some biblical examples that see the traditional God as protagonist.

Or is it? As we shall see together, the Elohim, multiple physical beings are the actual characters of the stories.

The context of each story should help us getting our answers. In other words, by reading the whole account, it will become clear whether the authors were talking about one individual (God) or several (The Elohim).

Do the term El and Elohim refer to Yahweh only (יַהְוֶה), – who according to theology would be God – or do they refer to him and to others like him? Other Elohim? – See article: Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) – 2 of 5 : the Bible does not talk about God.





2.Ancient Gods And Earthly Alliances.


As briefly mentioned in this article, the Elohim arrived, we don’t know where from. Each of these beings was granted one or more territories or peoples, over which they ruled as supreme leaders. These superhuman aliens were largely concerned with upholding and expanding their own power. They often sought to assert dominance over others, sparking wars in the process – mirroring patterns that persist today.

Aren’t them (The Elohim) still here on Earth by any chance? 

The Bible tells us about these wars from Israel’s subjective point of view.

It is worth remembering at this point that by the term “EL” we mean what it probably meant in its origins, namely someone extremely powerful and important and of non-terrestrial origin. One of the Elohim. 

Every “El” managed their territories and people directly (aided by non-commissioned officers, the “Malakhim”). To achieve this, they established vassal relationships with local human tribes, forged alliances, and countered adversaries. They developed military strategies and techniques, and implemented tax systems to access diverse resources on our planet.

Those who dared to betray and abandon an El to place themselves at the service of another El, were generally severely punished. In the Bible there are several instances in which this happens and Yahweh himself was particularly frustrated by this problem. 

Indeed, a pivotal change in military allegiance will ultimately shape the events that lead to the destruction of cities like Sodom and Gomorrah, as we will explore further.




3. Elohim Meaning: When The Gods Were Revealed.

The verse below has been embraced by Christian tradition as one of the moments of God’s revelation to mankind, specifically to Jacob. It might disappoint theologians to realize that the original Hebrew text clearly mentions multiple Elohim, or ‘gods’.”


In the following verse Elohim was translated as God, singular, though it was accompanied by plural verbs and other plural grammatical terms.

This is how the Vatican Bible translates Genesis 35:7:

There he built an altar and named the place Bethel, for it was there that God had revealed himself to him when he was fleeing from his brother.”


ancient aliens

Genesis 35:7 – Vatican Bible

Let’s now take a look at the original Hebrew text, it says: Where Elohim [the gods] were to him revealed
elohim meaning

Genesis 35:7 – Hebrew Text: Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels


It is clear from the uncorrupted biblical descriptions that many Elohim were revealed.


Jacob would later have had a particular relationship with one of them (Yahweh) but this does not authorize anyone, not even the Catholic Church to tamper with the translations by moving everything from plural to singular to support his own monotheistic thesis.

Also, the existence of many Elohim becomes evident due to the fact that upon arriving on Earth, they divided the planet among themselves and their offspring.




4. Gods In Bible: Challenging Monotheistic Interpretation.


Gods God - Ancient Gods

Hall of Giants


The following passage is particularly problematic for monotheistic theology due to the clear evidence with which it speaks of many Elohim. Theologians generally invent everything, from grammatical rules to prophecies in order to claim that the Hebrew term “Elohim” means God, and in this particular case, they really invented everything. Millions of pages of theology to explain why “Elohim”, in the verses below, means God.

By the same token, we find ourselves pondering: Why would a benevolent God, intent on conveying His will through a written text, necessitate such intricate complexity that it demands even more intricate volumes to expound upon these concepts?

The truth is that everything regains sense and the biblical stories are finally understandable the moment after accepting the reality, that is, there were many Elohim, they were everywhere all the time and they even met in assemblies

One such assembly is described in the biblical book of Psalms. Below the monotheistic version as proposed by the Vatican Bible:

Psalm 82: 1-7:

1 God presides in the great assembly;

    he renders judgment among the “gods”
2 “How long will you defend the unjust
    and show partiality to the wicked?
3 Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;
    all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”;
    you are all sons of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals;

    you will fall like every other ruler.”

The inconsistencies are glaring already from the mainstream translation proposed by the Church.

Indeed, How can God preside over an assembly of gods if – as theology affirms –  Elohim refers to the only universal God, one entity only? Something doesn’t add up.

How can God judge other gods if he is the only one?

If Elohim means God and God is one, it is clear that he cannot preside over an assembly of gods. Not even God can make an assembly alone.


Psalm 82: 1 – “God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the “gods”


Gods God - Ancient Gods

Psalms 82:1-7 – Hebrew Text: Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels


Moreover, what is the god-president referring to, when reproaching the other gods, accuses them of having defended the unrighteous and having being partial to the weak?

How to explain the veiled final invective, in which the god president warns the others, saying to them that of course, they are “gods” all children of the Most High (Elyōwn), but will however die as mere mortals and fall like any other tyrant?

If – as theology affirms –  Elohim refers to the only true existing God, does it mean that God dies and falls?

Again, the confusion disappears and the logical answers arise as soon as we become aware of what’s the real story told by the Old Testament; not the story of God but the story of the  Elohim.

So what do we have here? Everything is very simple: 

The Elohim ruled poorly. They assembled periodically. The El presiding over the group was very disappointed. The president reproaches the rest of them because they would not be managing things here on Earth as they should. He recognizes their nature of special beings and admits that it is true that they all are Elohim, children of the most high, (Elyōwn the supreme one), but they will eventually die like any other mortal king.

Some people say that aliens are a mystery. We ask ourselves on the other hand: how it is ever possible to see monotheism in these stories? This remains a true mystery for us.


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Elohim true Identity, what you can expect from the next section

We will analyze four biblical stories from which it is evident that the Hebrew term Elohim clearly refers to several individuals and not to God.



Fear also the gods’ anger, lest they, astonished by evil actions, turn against you.” – Homer, The Odyssey



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