Aliens in Bible: Plurality Unveiled – Biblical examples 2 of 3
Aliens in Bible: Theologians say that Elohim means God, but a careful analysis of the biblical text reveals that this is not true. It is evident from the biblical narrative that the Elohim are many, each different from the other, and the structure of the narrative is based on this assumption.
“Essentially, if the Bible has to be believed, then rather than look into the future for our first human contact with alien life, we had better start to properly understand our past.“ – Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
In this article, our exploration continues as we delve into biblical instances where the conventional God takes center stage. Or does it? As we embark on this journey together, we’ll uncover a fascinating revelation: the true protagonist of the Bible isn’t God; instead, it’s the Elohim – distinct physical entities – that arrived on Earth from elsewhere. – (Serie: Aliens in Bible – Gods of the Bible)
Theologians say that Elohim means God, but a careful analysis of the biblical text reveals that this is not true. It is evident from the biblical narrative that the Elohim are many, each different from the other, and the structure of the narrative is based on this assumption.
6. Gods of the Bible: Divine contradictions?– Different Elohim are being referred to within the same sentence. By forcing them to be the same person (God), logic vanishes;
We are in chapter 31 of Genesis, at the very beginning of the Bible and nearly two thousand years after the creation of Adam, at the very beginning of biblical history.
As our understanding goes, Earth is governed by the Elohim, each exerting dominion over distinct peoples and territories.
The Elohim Yahweh rules over Israel and Jacob is at his service.
This chapter delves into the tumultuous relationship between Jacob and his uncle Laban, who also happened to be his father-in-law.
Our current focus lies on the pivotal oath they undertake and the implications that follow, but to grasp the narrative fully, it’s essential to provide a succinct summary of preceding events.
This is how things went: according to the book of Genesis, at some point of his life Jacob took refuge with his uncle Laban in Arran, to escape the anger of his brother Esau from whom he had deceived the birthright. Jacob’s sojourn with Laban proved to be a boon, ushering in prosperity. Following several years, he resolved to journey back to the land of Canaan alongside his wives and children.
However, during their homeward expedition, Laban, known for his quarrelsome nature, intercepted him, contending that he had been despoiled of certain personal possessions.
In due course – and this is the crux of our inquiry – they brokered a settlement, solidified through a solemn oath. The biblical account unveils the following narrative:
51 Laban said further to Jacob:“Here is this mound, and here is the memorial stone that I have set up between you and me.
52 This mound shall be witness, and this memorial stone shall be witness, that, with hostile intent, neither may I pass beyond this mound into your territory, nor may you pass beyond it into mine.
53 May the gods of Abraham and the gods of Naor maintain justice between us!” Jacob took the oath by the Awesome One of Isaac.
In whose name is the oath taken? :“May the gods of Abraham and the gods of Nahor maintain justice between us!”
The text clearly alludes to the existence of multiple gods, or rather, numerous Elohim.
The witnesses would have been the gods of the two respective patriarchs: Abraham, Jacob’s patriarch and Nahor, Laban’s patriarch. They didn’t worshipped the same universal God but two different gods, two different Elohim.
The text provides a lucid statement: “Elohim(אֱלֹהֵ֨י) of Abraham(אַבְרָהָ֜ם) and Elohim(וֵֽאלֹהֵי) of Nahor(נָחוֹר֙)”.
The Elohim called into question are placed in a position of absolute equality, and there is nothing to indicate or to suggest that Yahweh(Abraham’s god) was the universal God creator of heavens and earth despite what theologians claim.
In the event that, as theologians contend, Elohim is synonymous with God and that God is synonymous with Yahweh, Jacob’s acceptance of the oath would be paradoxical. This would involve an oath with witnesses representing a true universal God (Yahweh) on one side and a base idol (Chemos) on the other.
All signs point toward a singular, compelling conclusion: The Bible does not revolve around a single God. If that were the case, Chapter 31 would exhibit distinct characteristics, and Jacob would rightfully have identified a disproportional issue between the two deities.
Yet, the narrative veers away from such a scenario. Jacob unreservedly embraces the oath, signifying the equanimity of the deities (Yahweh and Chemos) in terms of prestige, influence, and power.
6. Gods Of The Bible: Divine Contradictions?.
One cannot help frowning at the reading of the next biblical passage, as proposed by the modern Vatican version. It is said that“God” called Jacob and told him to follow him.
Genesis 35: 1: “God said to Jacob:“Go up now to Bethel. Settle there and build an altar there to the God who appeared to you while you were fleeing from your brother Esau.”
Now, theologians affirm that Elohim means“God”, very well. They also say that the Bible is about monotheism and talks about one God only, Yahweh, the creator oh heavens and earth.
Nonetheless, a conundrum arises in the subsequent verse, for God is directing Jacob to “construct an altar to the God who manifested to him during his escape from his brother.”
It would be acceptable for Jacob to be genuinely confused about God talking about … another God. We can’t help envisioning Jacob scratching his head while inquiring of the Almighty: “Pardon me, sir, but aren’t You invariably the same entity?”
The contradiction is simply generated by a deliberately wrong translation of the text in question. Let us see what the original Hebrew text says and let us see how it should be translated correctly for the scene to make sense again.
The correct translation of Genesis 35: 1 is:“The Elohim said to Jacob: Go up now to Bethel. Settle there and build an altar there to the El who appeared to you while you were fleeing from your brother Esau.”
In Judges chapter 11 we read ofJephthah, one of the judges(Israel had a period when there was no king and judges ruled), who was fighting against the Ammonites.
At some point, in a meeting-clash with the king of this people, in a dispute over the possession of some lands recently occupied by the Israelite’s, Jephthah says to the king of the other faction:
“Don’t you already have what your God Chemosh has allowed you to have? In the same way we keep what our God Yahweh allowed us to have”. This is the general sense of the verse.
Judges 11:24 – interlinear
Once again, a comparative that places in a position of absolute equality the two gods of the respective factions, Yahweh and Chemosh.
Also in this case, the same considerations we made earlier regarding Jacob and Laban apply. That is to say, if really, as the Theologians(not philologists) say, Elohim meant God and Yahweh was that God, then this biblical passage simply would not exist. Instead, it does and tells us that Jephthah has no problem whatsoever in reaching a military truce on the basis that both gods were considered to be essentially of equal prestige and power.
If what the theologians tell us were true, then in this passage Jephthah should have said:“Hold on: this agreement is invalid because my God is the Universal God creator of heavens and Earth while yours is an invented idol”.
But this does not happen and the biblical narration makes us understand that the two gods were essentiallyconsidered in the same way.
8.Gods Of The Bible: Uncovering The Divine Hierarchy.
Exodus 18:11 : “Now I know that the Yahweh is a deity great beyond any other; for he took occasion of their being dealt with insolently to deliver the people from the power of the Egyptians.”
Now, we can’t invent logical analysis, it has to follow logic, as the word itself says.
In this verse we have a complement of specification and a comparative majority, therefore, the text unequivocally – and irreparably for theologians – speaks of many Elohim and not of one universal God.
There can be no doubt, given that the author clearly says that Yahweh is the greatest god of them all. Being Yahweh the greatest, this would imply that the gods are many and different from each other.
It’s not a matter of interpretation, it is enough to read what the text says.
The God of the Bible has disappeared and in his place the ancient aliens, the Elohim, re-emerge from the mists of the past.
…to be continued
“There is no God, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murder me at night.”– Voltaire
What you can expect from the next section:
Forced translations proposed by the monotheistic mainstream make biblical verses lose their logic, we will see some examples. Later we will analyze an interesting case that confirms our theory that is that the Elohim were indeed extraterrestrial, but human. Jacob will fight with one of them.
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